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Blanden Charitable Foundation



10:00 AM : Yo-Yo Artist, Lucas Gremler

Lucas Gremler is a 16 year old from Panora, Iowa. Lucas' hobby involves Yo-Yo's, which is something he has been passionate about for the past 4 years. Lucas is self taught, and creates his own choreography and tricks. Lucas competes in the professional circuit, and he plans on competing someday in the World Championship Yo-Yo contest in Tokyo, Japan.

10:30 AM : Fort Dodge Community Choir

The Fort Dodge Community Choir began singing together in June 2013. The Choir is a combination of various churches and communities around Fort Dodge.

11:30 AM - Comedia Musica Players

Comedia Musica Players is a local musical theatre troupe, founded in 1968. They perform one full-length musical theatre production annually each fall. At this year's festivial, the Comedia Musica Players will preform various Broadway musical numbers, and there will be a sneak peak at some numbers from the upcoming production of "The Addams Family" for this November.

12:30 PM - Stage Door Productions

Stage Door Productions is committed to high-quality performances of small-cast musicals as well as providing educational Youth Theater experiences in the Fort Dodge, Iowa area. 

1:30 - Singer and Songwriter Denny Simon

Dennis Simon is a singer, songwriter, and guitarist from Rockwell City, Iowa. Dennis also plays the keyboard, and his genres are rock, country, and folk music.

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Doug Abbott

from St. Paul, Minnesota

Doug works in a variety of media, including metal and sculpture. He is a 2010 Alumni of United Theological Seminary. Drawing upon his graduate work in Theology and Art, he has a passion for exploring the intersection of nature, art, and personal spiritual practice. He is particularly drawn to the power art has to bring an imagined idea forward into existence. Doug’s work is held in private and institutional collections.

Billy Cho

from Coralville, Iowa

Billy is originally from Hong Kong, China, He studied ceramic at Iowa Central Community College, Northwest Missouri State University and the University of Iowa. He was artist in residence at the Produce Staton Pottery for 2 1/2 years and he is currently a graduate student in the Ceramics MFA program at the University of Iowa.



Connie Gustafson

from Fort Dodge, Iowa

Connie will be selling Bella Jewelry made by Hatians. All profits will support the Mission Haiti Orphanage in Haiti.

Mary Jo Hinds

from Fort Dodge, Iowa

Mary Jo has been interested in art for years, and enjoyed watching her father who was a very good artist. Since her retirement, she has taken private lessons from a couple of local artists in the oil medium, and on her own has dabbled with watercolor. What started off as a hobby has quickly become a passion!

Ryan Knipp

from Waterloo, Iowa

Ryan Knipp is painter working mostly with acrylic paint on canvas.  His paintings which deal with pattern and vibrant color, are an attempt to create order within chaos.  Ryan has shown paintings at the Carmel Art & Film festival in Carmel, CA.  He graduated from the University of Iowa with a Bachelor's degree in Studio Art.

Svana Lamb

from Fort Dodge, Iowa.

Local artist, Svana Lamb has the ability to demonstrate unique watercolor techniques. From beautiful landscapes to complex human figures this artist  has the ability to do it all.

Laurel Mors

from Fort Dodge, Iowa

 Laurel Mors is a retired prize-winning interior designer. After retiring from designing law offices, businesses and homes she started designing jewelry and hosting craft shows. The craft shows are in the past, but the need to create lives on.

Paul Peterson

from Eagle Grove, Iowa

Paul Peterson, does business as Elegant Wood Turning, began woodworking in 1991 with a scroll saw to cut out designs. As lasers became more prevalent for scroll work he decided to go back to lathe turning. He attended about 14 shows last year, including Market on Central in downtown Fort Dodge, and plans on attending about 26 shows in 2014.

Jerry Reiter

from Pocahontas, Iowa

Jerry Reiter will be selling his oil paintings at this years art festivial. Jerry has painted since the mid 70's, and he also owns a store in Pocahontas, Iowa.

Maureen Seamonds

Maureen Seamonds is a skilled scupltor who will be selling her art at this year's festivial. Maureen currently runs The Produce Station Pottery and Ice House Gallry in Webster City, Iowa.

Delayne Segar

from Fort Dodge, Iowa

Delayne Derrig Segar is an aspiring artist from Fort Dodge.  She learned Pine Needle Basket weaving through a class offered at the Blanden Museum in Fort Dodge several years ago and has won First Place Awards at art shows for her work.  The baskets and pins she creates are offered for sale at the Blanden Museum One of a Kind gift shop in Fort Dodge.  She also paints Iowa landscapes and has studied portraiture with artist Mary Muller.

Ronnie Shivers

from Fort Dodge, Iowa

Ronnie will be selling hand made jewelry boxes, character boxes, and picture boxes at this year's festivial. Ronnie currently runs his store Something Unique Safe Keeps in Fort Dodge that specializes in producing and selling wood products and boxes.

Emmanuel Taylor

Emmanuel will be selling his photographs at this year's festivial.

Aubrey Walsh

Aubrey will be selling her wire rings and watercolor paintings at this year's festivial.

Gary Winkler

from Fort Dodge, Iowa

Gary uses a plasma torch and various types of metal to create sculptures. Everything Gary creates is hand-made and the variety of metals he works with is stainless steel, brass, and some copper. To view more of his work please visit the Blanden Arts Festival!

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Jennifer Dutcher

Jennifer will have a popular weaving project where the children create woven patterns around a cup.  Jennifer will provide the yarns and fiber materials.  The museum will provide plastic cups, children’s scissors and 8” x 8” white foam-core pieces [looms].  Ms. Dutcher is a certified K-12 art teacher, currently teaching in Fort Dodge, with 16 years of instructing in both academic and museum settings.


Madison Garst

Madison will have some puzzle piece activities. Kids can glue some puzzle pieces to magnets by hand, and decorate the magnets with sequins, paper scraps, sharpies, beads and more!

Diane Sinclair

 Diane will have a variety of printmaking activities.  Children can create bubble prints, fish prints, marbling, fingerprint prints and gadget prints.  Diane will bring all supplies.  Ms. Sinclair has 33 years of teaching experience at NE Hamilton.  She lives in Blairsburg and is currently librarian at Williams Public Library and has art activity sessions weekly with children during story-time

Diane O'Hern

Diane will have sculpture construction activities with clay and wood building materials.  Children can use air-dry white clay to create fish, birds, animals, flowers, cars, castles and paint or color these small-scale sculptures.  Alternatively, using wood tiles and small wood pre-cut shapes, children can create a sculpture on an 8” x 8” white foam-core base.  Museum will provide all air-dry clay, watercolor paints, brushes, water, water cups, paper towels, small wood titles, small wood shapes, wood glue, craft sticks and pre-cut 8” square pieces of foam-core.  Diane lives in Eagle Grove and taught K-8 art for 32 years.


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920 3rd Avenue South

Fort Dodge, Iowa 50501

Tue-Sat; 11: 00-5:00 PM

ADA Access located on the backside of the museum. 



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